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SUN Tech Days 2010 Hyderabad in India

Sun Microsystems' Tech Days Conference World Tour 2009-2010

Sun Tech Days is a multi-city world tour designed by SUN to showcase how the developer community can leverage Sun technologies, services and products to drive the next generation of industry innovation.

The theme for this year's Sun Tech Days program is "Innovation for the Enterprise"

"Innovation for the Enterprise" Marks the Focus for the 2009-2010 Multi-City Conference Series Designed to Cultivate Community and Highlight the Latest Innovations in Java, MySQL and OpenSolaris Technologies.

Each Tech Days event for 2009-10 has four tracks:
Track 1: Enterprise Computing
Track 2: Client Technologies
Track 3: OpenSolaris
Track 4: Hands-on Labs

The Tech Days program will also include:

Demo Showcase:
Demos highlighting NetBeans IDE, MySQL, GlassFish, Identity and Role Management, StarOffice and, OpenSolaris, solutions from Sun partners including Oracle, Intel, SoftwareFX and more.

Lightning Talks: Content organized and delivered by community speakers around the different track topics.

Sun Tech Days 2009-2010, A Worldwide Developer Conference

    * Sao Paulo, Brazil: December 8-9, 2009
    * Hyderabad, India: March 24-25, 2010
    * St. Petersburg, Russia: April 8-9, 2010
    * Beijing, China: April 29-30, 2010

About Sun Tech Days

Sun Microsystems' premier developer conference series, Tech Days travels the globe to share expertise with the community about all SUN products and services.

For additional information, click on SUN Tech Days 2009-2010

Note ::  All SUN Certification Vouchers(including SCJP and SCWCD) will be offered by SUN every year at SUN Tech Days for huge discount.

Labels::   sun tech days, sun tech days 2009-2010, sun tech days 2010 hyderabadDiscount Vouchers SCJP and SCWCD

Article From :: SUN MicroSystems

2 Responses to "SUN Tech Days 2010 Hyderabad in India"

  1. Your blog such a great dear......
    nice strategy for make blog keep it up...

    Manish Kumar

  2. gravatar Anonymous says:

    There is one more conference named Great Indian Developer Summit 2010 in Bangalore on April 2010 which is based on the topics like Java, .net and Richweb. I felt that conference is very good because they had already 2 Edition of this conference.

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